
grano 150MY PROJECTS 

In the period after WW II until the present, the sand texture sedimentology failed in its scientific value — too much work without results have caused frustration: Robert Ehrlich, 1983

My explanation for this problem is simple:

  1. The wrong sand properties have been studied — grain size defined by sieving does not exist in Nature. 
  2. Settling tubes could provide the suitable sand property, but cheap constructions required large samples, which sedimented with strong streaming and particle interactions: the wrong results discredited the efforts — they were worse than from sieving. 
  3. The non-normal distribution characteristics — parameters based on non-normal (higher) moments, which do not point to the desired origin of the sand.

My solution for this problem is simple:

  1. I take the log settling rate of sand grains as the primary sand property directly related to its transportation;
  2. I have developed a correct measuring of the grain settling rate (without streaming and similar errors), should be guided by quality instead of by low price;
  3. The distributions should be characterized by (single or mixed) normal distributions

I have materialized and tested my solution: 

  1. Logarithmic settling rate as independent distribution variable, PSI;
  2. My Sand Sedimentation Analyzer, MacroGranometer™, is not only correct but also accurate and sensitive;
  3. My data processing program SHAPE includes the decomposition into maximum of five Gaussian distribution components (using the program ROKE by Isobel Clark).

Updating of the Analyzer, consisting of 6 parts (hardware and software), at about 10,000 €UR each, total about 60,000 €UR, within about 1 to 2 years. 

The updating will strongly reduce the production price and make the instrument accessible to sedimentologists, oceanographers and anyone else interested in studying sand sedimentation.